New Apocalyps Voices: Robert Reckmeyer

None of us are perfect, we all make mistakes , at least that’s what we call them , but are they really, think about it. What would we be without our so called mistakes, well we wouldn’t be who we are.

So in reality there are no mistakes, there are only experiences , and our definition of those experiences. Robert Reckmeyer is voice that immediately jumped out at me as someone who has taken plenty of risk and lived life in his own terms.

Earlier in his life , Robert was international drug dealer and ran with some pretty tough customers , and eventually wound up on the wrong side of the law and in prison.

Later in life after serving his time , and making amends with his family he re entered the game of life that we call society , and over time he became increasingly aware, like many of us have, that the world is not what we think it is , not at all.

It’s quite an interesting real life story and it illustrates that no matter where we come from , or where we are going , we have all been fooled , indoctrinated into a reality that is really just an illusion, a type of dream.

After listening to just a couple of his videos its easy to tell that Robert has a grasp of the subject matter that we in the alternative research community are talking about.

In his Documentary , “Conspiracy Truth , The Real War for The Soul of Humanity ” , Robert lays out in a very articulate manner and the control structures on planet earth and who the players are.

Weaved within the story line he lays the ground work for the solution, and the solution of course starts from within.

I always find more resonance with the voices that acknowledge this simple truth , that “Ultimately” we need to clean our own houses, this is the shadow work we all need to do, once we are awake , we can no longer be victims.

Robert lays out all the systems and beings that are part of the problem , while acknowledging we do have a choice as to what we want to create , moving forward , now that we are aware of it.

This is what the awakening is all about , its about dragging out all the darkness and negative energies into the light, and dealing with it , as painful as it might be. It is what it is , so lets move on !

So take some time and enjoy this 2 part video, it’s a great Documentary for someone that is ready to take the next step ,and go deeper into the rabbit hole, this is the type of information that really gets you thinking, but remember its only a step , always go deeper, always deeper, things are never black and white.

Thank you Robert of your contribution , and for participating in this transformation , it takes courage to speak out !

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