

Fifth Written Transmission Download
February 25, 2014
Via Elizabeth Chaykowski

All information that comes to you comes because you have summoned it. It is up to you to decide whether you have summoned it from a place of what you do want or a place of what you do not want.

It is up to you to decide whether it supports your highest will and highest good or not. Finally, it is up to you to decide whether to apply it or discard it. But regardless of how you choose to assess the information, the origin of its arrival is always you.

The more conscious you are: the more aware you are of your ongoing, running inner dialogue, the more you will notice the relationship between the questions you have been asking and the information that seems to randomly be coming to you: this often in some of the most unexpected ways and surprising of places.

Now, if you can wrap your brain around all that, here is a big leap of faith. If you have summoned information that you feel does support your highest will and highest good, it is because you have jumped the tracks into a parallel reality in which you already know the information and are utilizing it with good results.



Fourth Written Transmission Download
February 24, 2014 5:00pm
Via Elizabeth Chaykowski

Everything and everyone are an expression of creation without which the totality of creation would not exist.

This includes you and all that you desire. This also includes all others and all they desire. This includes all that you judge as good and all that you do not judge as good.

For this reason, you would do well to cease from argument with creation, because nothing exists, except that its existence serves purpose and that purpose is, creation would not be in a balanced state of completion without it.

You would also do well, to view and embrace all that is, including yourself, as sacred, welcome, necessary and worthy, for to see even one as unworthy, is to declare all as worthless. You are in no position to make that judgment against creation. In so doing, you make that judgment against yourself.

So then, how should you walk through this dimension in which you currently find yourself? By seeing each step and each breath of all, as a sacred reflection of that One creation that is the All. In so doing you become one with the All and thus open the door to the allowing of all that you are and all that you desire.


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