Humans beings are in a sense biological computers , running a type of operating system or construct that gives infinite consciousnesses an opportunity to experience itself as an individualized personality.

Which is why we are highly susceptible to programming, or being programmed.

Humans  are a type of technology “being” uses. Nature is a type of technology that is manifested by all that is, to allow us to experience all sorts of virtual realities.

Realities, that are in a sense, an infinite series of programs within programs. Wheels Within Wheels, There is no end to the within of “things”. Much like holding a mirror up to a mirror, the reflection becomes infinite.

As long as “you” as infinite consciousness are “aware” of this, then you will feel perfectly comfortable with this idea, it will not alarm or frighten or dis empower you in anyway.

In fact it will empower you , becasue you will have a greater understanding of the nature of reality. The unknown is just what you don’t know about yourself. Exploring the unknown is essentially becoming more aware of who and what we are.

When you watch movies and television from the perspective of the aware observer, you can still enjoy the show without being programed.

Just remember there is a reason they call shows on TV “Programs”. There is no accident in our naming of things.

It’s quite fascinating to see all the types of “Programs” Running these days on the boob tube. For example for the last 5 years or so much of the night time drama is cop shows, or lawyer shows.

Makes sense if your trying to brainwash the masses into excepting a totalitarian police state where “The Law” must be enforced.

Most of the Cop shows have these attractive female detectives who are the main characters.

Using these characters to show you how sexy it is to be a FBI or CIA agent. It’s a powerful recruitment tool in an economy where many have no clue what else to do or be.

The psychological operation is so obvious that its laughable, yet this is how they do it, this is television programming. Just pick up a TV guide and pick your brainwashing.

Again universe uses everything , so there is some information , some shows that bring information into the light that appears to be ushering in the Apocalypse, this we could call positive programming.

For example History Channel with it’s Ancient Alien series is a good starter for the masses , in a sense it is disclosure, why would the social engineers want this , who knows , but my guess is, not all the social engineering is bad.

Conspiracy Theory with Jessee Ventura is another show that has an awakening aspect to it, as far getting people to look around , and pull their head out of the sand.

The programming doesn’t work once your aware of what is going on , although it is incredibly subtle so be ever so vigilant when staring into the screen, it is quite hypnotic.

In a sense,  a human  watching  TV in their room , could be described as type of program , within another type of program known as their room , watching another program on the TV.

In the video series below Sonia Barrett describes “everything” as “Divine Technology” and the concept of Programs Within Programs.


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