Guest Article By: Gregg Braden

Excerpts From:  Deep Truth – Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destine, and Fate

Publisher : Hay House

Sometimes it’s a good idea to study a problem thoroughly before we act.

The more we know about a difficult situation, the more certain we can be that we’ve found the best solutions to the dilemma. But sometimes prolonged study is not so good. There are times when the best thing to do is act quickly to survive the immediate crisis, and only then to study the problem in detail from the safety of the time bought by taking decisive action.

Maybe the best way to illustrate what I mean here is with a make-believe scenario:Let’s say that on a beautiful, clear, and sunny day you’re crossing a stretch of highway with a friend in order to get from your house on one side of the road to your friend’s home on the other. Suddenly you both look up after being engrossed in deep conversation and see a huge 18-wheel tractor-trailer rig coming directly toward you.

Instantly your body’s “fight or flight” response kicks in so that you can act. The question is: How? You have to decide quickly if it’s best to move forward, or go back to where you’ve just come from until it’s safe to cross. You and your friend both must choose, and choose fast.

Guest Article by : Penney Peirce

There is a part of every living thing that wants to become itself—the tadpole into the frog, the chrysalis into the butterfly, the damaged human being into a whole one. That is spirituality…Ellen Bass

What are the problems with entertainment media today? If we look deeper, inside each problem, what useful insight might we find about how to change things for the better? And, where’s the urgency? What’s at stake if nothing changes?

These are the questions a group of transformational educators and entertainment professionals asked at a recent summit meeting or “wisdom council.”

The aim of this alliance was to begin a process that could help transform the quality of the content now being served up to us by the varied forms of the entertainment media. Everyone present recognized how powerful these seemingly ordinary but highly invasive sources of content really are—how they shape our consciousness and culture, and how they’re influencing us negatively today.

The First Steps of a Journey Symbolize the Rest of the Journey. These are great questions—good, logical, left-brained questions—yet as I listened to the fleshing out of the responses, I felt slightly uncomfortable, like the cart was in front of the horse and we might trip over it. Sure, films and television are glorifying and perpetuating shallow, intolerant attitudes and violent, reactionary behavior, but to my mind these things are not really the problem, they are physical materializations of one stage in a much larger—and very positive, I might add—transformation process.


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