As we move deeper into 2014 and into the Awakening process, we are getting glimpses of a much greater reality , a reality that is infinite in nature , without beginning or end .

A reality,  that has been and always will be, a reality that encompasses  “all That Is”, there is nothing outside of this reality , every “thing” is within it, and that reality is “us” , consciousness .

There are many voices that stand out , that are acting as way showers for us “Humans” as we  awaken from our slumber and start to re-remember what we are .

Apocalypse How is a portal for these voices , a place where you can come and listen to the cosmic conversation.

Understanding the nature of reality is part of the process, although  the  “Practical Application”  of this knowledge is the most valuable to us when navigating the paradigm shift that is occurring here on Earth.

Integration is a hot topic these days for us that are passionate about the exploration and expansion of who and what we are.  we use that phrase  “Who and What we are ,quite a bit  so let me clarify it for those that may wonder what I mean …exactly.

When we say “Who” we are,  I am referring to the aspect of  consciousness that is individuated , that would be the me and the you , when I refer to the  “What” we are , I am referring to consciousness as a whole , the one ,the  infinite being , that which is “all that is ” of course these are simply words and we are still creating a better vocabulary as we expand , and continue to discuss these concepts and ideas about our true nature.

So for me , Integration is about the blending of the  ” Who and the What ” , the melding of the Individuated and Collective, it’s a process that reunites us with other aspects of ourselves , other incarnational selves, and enhances the dialogue with higher self and our over souls , these terms of course are really meaningless , there is no real separation , they simply help to illustrate the structures within consciousness itself .


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