In part one of Channeling Higher Self we explored the idea that we are all channeling , it’s not some gift only a few have , we all have it , we are all doing it , other wise we wouldn’t even exist.

So the practical application in understanding the nature of channeling , is to get better at it, the better we are at channeling , the more we will get out of this experience we call life, the more abundance we can have in our physical  and spiritual realms.

Channeling is really about getting out of the way , think of  yourself as a conduit , open at both ends , on one end there is energy flowing in , this is receiving, at the other end there is energy flowing out , this is giving.

Anything that obstructs the conduit or blocks the flow of this “Channel” will create a state of  disharmony , or imbalance, the natural state of universe is balance , so any blockage will create all sorts of manifestations , what we generally refer to as fear, and all of its sub categories.


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