Living in the Moment is perhaps one of the most important lessons of the Apocalypse .  With all the fear being generated about the Economy and Wars and Natural Disasters its easy to get caught up in the drama to the extent that you become a prisoner of  the future.

In this environment it becomes difficult to enjoy your life because you are worried that you may loose your job if you still have one, or that you wont be able to feed and house yourself. Or you may have money and live in fear of loosing it becasue of the global economic meltdown.

This fear based paradigm we live in is the social engineer’s masterpiece of madness and its running at full steam right now to the point many people are actually starting to learn to live in the moment out of survival. You see how universe uses everything.

When we have no idea what will happen tomorrow, when things are completely out of control and we fear the future , then we see the value of living in the moment , this is our gift from the Apocalypse .

In this way the Apocalypse is showing us the folly of Linear Time , or the false reality of a Continuous Flow of Time .

Of course this paradigm , this belief in a Continuous Flow of Time is perpetuated  here in this reality which makes it easy to manipulate us , so  we are constantly having to plan for future events , while missing the only “Real Event”  , the moment.

One could argue that these seemingly disastrous events are just what the doctor ordered to wake us up , out of our stupor of working and career building and buying houses and sending kids to college so we can all have a good “Future”.

It’s what we have been taught our whole life by society so our love affair with the future is a hard habit to break and seems downright dangerous when you consider all the planning that goes on just to survive each day.

Consider this , living in the future or the past is completely imaginary, not saying its good or bad , I’m just saying that in the moment is where our power comes from.  If we take anything from the Apocalypse , it should be to live in the moment , with your loved ones , and that which you love and live in appreciation for this wondrous experience we are having as universe personified.

Don’t let the false reality of the future rob you of your joy. It is a hard habit to break , but it seems universe is giving us a kick start, whether we want it or not .


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