

We wanted to thank Cliven Bundy and his family for actually doing something , and standing up against tyranny down there in Clark county Nevada.

The video below needs no narrative , no conceptualizing , the imagery alone inspires us to overcome our fears and to stand together united !

We have nothing to loose and everything to gain in standing up to tyranny in all its forms big and small! Of course in this case the motivation for tyranny was money , greed , corruption.

It appears the whole thing may have been about a corrupt politicians multi billion dollar land deal , a imminent domain style land grab. So far the story is a win for humanity.

Lets share the story with as many people as we can !




Well here we are on a version of earth , where it appears, the desert tortoise is worth killing other humans for.  Now don’t get me wrong , every living thing has a right to expression , and the desert tortoise never hurt anybody.

So why would the evil ranchers want to harm the desert tortoise , I mean come on every one knows what would happen if a cow accidentally stepped on a tortoise , it would be pandemonium , I guess… that or nothing would happen , no that’s not what it’s about, come…on !

I know …I know ….It’s because a few cows would eat all the vegetation on that 600,000 acres , and starve all of those tortoises out of existence , becasue there is so little open land in Nevada , just a few million acres ,  yeah that’s it , that’s what this is all about…right ?

No that can’t be it , it’s becasue the powerless that be really do love those little tortoises , they are so cute and cuddly !  Ok …enough , I think you can feel my sarcasm , anyway , so here we are …welcome to the show.



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