On one of the most powerful lessons we can learn is not to have too much expectation , that in a sense Expectation can be a form of limitation, meaning your expectations become a self fulfilling prophecy.

For example you can go around expecting everything to turn to shite , and with that kind of negative attitude the law of attraction kicks in and sure enough , universe listens and provides a continuous stream of problems … because that’s what you “Expect” …right ?

On the other hand the opposite can be true as well , you can be very positive , and you can map out goals and accomplishments and material things that you want and universe will do its best to fulfill your Expectations !

So why would you want to have no expectations , is it even possible for a human being on planet earth to walk around in this world and experience relationships with others with no expectations …hmmm …perhaps .. although I wonder how many of us can honestly say we have achieved that state of being… I know I can’t , even though I am aware of the idea,  the concept , and how it works, it’s a very challenging endeavor… so why is it so hard.

One of the most important tools we have as “physical” beings is what we commonly refer to as Higher Self.

Its a rather vague term that gets thrown around a lot in the awakening arena and can have different meanings depending on your perspective.

As usual all I can do is share with you what it means to me , and you can see if it resonates with you as well.

In it’s simplest explanation it simply means your connection to “Being” , or “All That Is” , or “Infinite Consciousness” or your true self.

But what does it mean to tap into Higher Self  and how do you go about doing it. Well those are deeper questions.

The first thing to keep in mind , pun intended , is that physical mind is only designed to know what is happening , or what has happened, it has no capability to know what is going to happen.

Higher Self  however sits at the top of the mountain  it has a broad view, it can see the lakes , the forests, the  rivers , the valleys , it can see the bends in the rivers, it can see the fish in the  river , it can see the stones that lay at the river bottom and so on down to the atomic level .


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