Why is the Triangle such a powerful shape , or symbol, what does it represent in the human consciousness that makes it’s use so prolific in physical reality .

Just look at all the logos for companies, the Pyramids of ancient Egypt , the symbols used by secrete societies often have a triangle or pyramid in them and the list goes on of the  use and fascination with the equilateral triangle , even the dollar bill has the infamous pyramid and the all seeing eye on it .

All around the world the ancient civilizations built pyramid type structures , even our social , and economic structures are built on what we call pyramidal hierarchies , so our entire society is built around this symbolic shape.

Even sightings of UFO’s or extraterrestrial craft in recent decades are Triangle in shape, as the popular flying saucers seems to be taking second fiddle these days, to the more sophisticated  Triangle Craft.

Well it turns out there is a very good reason why the Triangle is such a powerful symbol , it represents the 3 modalities of consciousness itself  which can described as Thoughts , Actions and Emotions.

Early on in ones awakening process, one of the terms that gets bantered around a lot is “The Illuminati” , of course  we think we know what it means.

It’s “Them” , the Evil doers, the Elite bloodlines, the Masons, the “Super Rich ” the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers.

No wait it’s the secrete societies, Skull and bones , Council of Foreign Relations , the Bilderberg Group, the Military Industrial Complex, The Alphabet agencies, the Black Operatives who work for the Roman Catholic Church.

Hey maybe some are good guys, like the founding fathers who were actually very illuminated and made incredible contributions to mankind, becasue of their connection to extra terrestrial influences.

Man those Bavarian dudes knew how to party.  All I have to say is even after a couple years of thinking about it , I can’t really tell,  definitively,  whether  the Illuminati are inherently good, or bad.

Or perhaps now that we are moving beyond polarity , beyond duality, good and bad are just concepts that don’t work anymore, for many of us anyway, Black and White just don’t seem to make sense , its all grey.


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