(Why Is There So much Suffering?)

Beverly Nadler, CH, CMT ©2013

In Part 1, we explored the concept of “God” being both transcendent and immanent, and we looked the relationship between God and energy.

Part 2 was about our multi-dimensional Universe and ourselves as multi-dimensional beings. Also, we looked at how the energy operates in our lives, through the Universal Laws.

Now, in Part 3, we will explore the subject that so greatly disturbed Siddhartha Gautama, a 6th century BC Indian Prince. When he went outside his protected Palace grounds and saw the sickness, poverty and suffering in the land, he was so disturbed that he left his home and family to discover “why” there was so much suffering. He got his answer…and a great deal more. As a result, a huge global religion was established and the Prince became known as “the Buddha,” meaning “The Awakened One.” (“Awake,” has the same meaning as enlightened and Self-Realized, a subject that will be covered in Part 4.)

This article is not so much about suffering, as it is about adversity, because it is our concept about, and relationship to, adversity that leads to suffering. People can’t understand why God created a world in which there is so much pain, struggle, traumas and crises – especially since God is all “good.” Hopefully, you will consider what you read in this article worthy of your contemplation, and it will lead to insights for you.


(Our Multi-Dimensional Universe and The Universal Laws)

Beverly Nadler, CH, CMT ©2013

In Part 1, we explored the concept of “God” as being both transcendent (separate from Its creations) and immanent (within all Its creations). We also looked at the relationship between God and energy.

In Part 2, we’ll be looking at our multi-dimensional Universe and the laws of energy and physics that govern our lives. Since there’s a description of each of the Universal Laws on this website, this article explains them from a different perspective. But first I have a question…

Do the following statements ever confuse or frustrate you?

“Everything is perfect just the way it is.” “There is no evil.” Life is wonderful.” God is taking care of you.” It’s all good.”

These statements and similar ones confused and frustrated me for years. After all, if you look at the world around you — at the pain and suffering, the life-threatening diseases and the huge cost of health care (really disease care), the chemicals and toxins in our food, water and air (a major reason for all the disease), millions of people on drugs, poverty, homelessness, murder, suicide, corporate corruption, political manipulation, terrorism, children massacred in their schools, children with cancer, natural disasters that kill or destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of people… and many other tragedies – don’t you find these statements “incongruous?”


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