For me the story of the Orbs all started in the summer of 2009 . It was a beautiful evening in mid June in the Pacific North West . As the sun began to set over the ocean , we could start to see some of the first stars appear in the late evening sky.

It cools off quick near the coast where we live , so I fired up the heater we have on the deck that allows us to star gaze at night in relative comfort , we usually back that up with a good hot cup of coffee so we can stay alert and warm.

As everyone settled into their reclining chairs to gaze up at the sky , I immediately noticed a very bright star , that was very low on the horizon that I hadn’t seen just 30 seconds ago when I last gazed in that direction , at first I just thought it was a star or planet that had appeared as it was getting darker , but that didn’t make sense becasue I just looked there a second ago.

At this point I started to get out of the chair and grab my binoculars , to see what it was , as I walked toward the table to get them , I was also watching the star , and to my amazement , it looked like it was moving !


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