Just like most things these days , nothing is really turning out like we thought or what some had predicted .

And solar cycle 24 has been no different , even the double peak theory hasn’t panned out yet.

Father Sun is smiling I’m sure , my god the arrogance of humanity , we think we know whats going on , course that’s the problem , way too much thinking going on !

So as we watch Sun spot 1944 roll around the limb , I have to admit to a little excitement , perhaps Father Sun will throw us a bone , and deliver a nice sized dose of reality our way in the form of a Coronal Mass Ejection , preferably a full halo , direct impact,  to wake us up out of our stupor.

I mean …come on it’s 2014 !  We are still driving around in internal combustion engines, we are still talking about going to Mars one day , big deal to do what , look at dirt , find microbes , we are still printing money out of thin air , Wall Street is on a sugar high while main street is clearly suffering from hypoglycemia.

So come on Father Sun , no more glancing blows, we need a full hit , a complete data packet upgrade to consciousness to get things rolling here in 2014 , we need a wake up call before we wake up one day and find we have all had micro chips installed in our hands and we are waiting in line at WalMart for our monthly allotment of provisions.


I know … you can’t make this stuff up , the global warming scientist are stuck in the ice , how the hell did they let that happen , well I think we can put the whole global warming farce to bed finally …here we are post climategate , clearly things are not what they seem , how about we just call it Global Extreme Weather and leave it at that.

Everywhere around the world , rain , cold , snow , heat records are being broken , the Sun has gone on vacation , with little activity and nothing is “normal”  anymore , whatever that was.

Here in the Pacific Northwest we have had no rain, only cold frigid weather for months now , the old timers have never seen anything like it,   in fact the entire western part of the united states has been under the effect of a large high pressure system that just won’t go away , which has effected the normal flow of moisture , the results… we are too dry and  too cold!

Then of course comes the Polar Vortex that is hitting the upper half of the country right now ,sending temperatures plummeting, and blanketing a large portion of the country in snow and ice .

Videos and images are coming in from all around the country reminiscent of the  “The Day After Tomorrow”   , where a giant super vortex storm pulls air down from the upper atmosphere and flash freezes everything in site , not making any predictions here but the extreme weather seems to be on the rise.


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