Crutch Constructs, the process of  trading your  power and  freedom , for someone else to take responsibility. Crutch Constructs is just a term I am coining  for fun here at Apocalypse How , for amusement to illustrate an idea , about the nature of many of the institutions on earth , such as Governments and Religions.

From the persepctive of source consciousness, what we call physicality is really just a virtual reality, a construct , that consciousness has created for a type of experience.

These virtual realities or constructs exist within what could be called the larger consciousness system , or the consciousness ecosystem if you will. Of course all of these are just words to describe aspects of “All That is”.

There is an argument to made for the usefulness of what we might think of as negative constructs, like governments and religions. The purpose of these constructs or programs is to give us a working frame work to have all kinds of experiences.


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