Surrender is the Key to Greater Understanding. One of the most important lessons of the Apocalypse is surrender.  It will be very important moving forward to be able to let go completely of your need to control situations , people , or events.

Now is the time to live form love, to live from your heart, to live in the moment.  Intellect alone will not carry you through the changes that will be taking place in this quickening process.

There are forces at work that are trying to steer human consciousness in a direction of their choosing, using this time of increased vibrational  frequency as a catalyst for their own agenda. This appears to be the deeper reality behind the mass drama we are now experiencing.

The Aware observer can see the the obvious manipulation that is being inflicted on consciousness  in  television, movies, music and even the internet to try and guide humanity away from its natural evolution back to unity.

Surrendering the illusion of control will allow each of us to be free sovereign beings so that we can  transmit this new higher vibrational frequency. Fear is why we feel the need to control events. When we surrender to higher self , or the universe, we loose the fear and the need for control.


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