Well here we go again , another war , another conflict added to the list of ongoing wars and conflict.  As war ships head towards Syria , and missiles ready themselves to unleash their payloads , the (so called ) powers that be continue their saber rattling , its the same old story , filled with lies and deception mixed with partial truths.

We call it the Hegelian dialectic , or problem reaction solution , it’s a “program” that has been running so long , that most people have no idea they are trapped inside their own self created prison walls , many go on  believing war and conflict is necessary , and by believing in it , they continue to support the construct.

Yes… its a  program “we” created , collectively ,however  it’s time has run out , it’s purpose is over , for many of us anyway …we are ready for something new, we are ready to build a new consensus reality !

While in the past  the majority of the masses have bought into this lie , over the last few years  , as the vibration of the planet increases , as love based being takes hold and fills all of the dark corners of the room with the blinding light of the Apocalypse , we can begin to see  the reality behind these never ending conflicts , is “US” !


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