Who’s your Daddy ?  Are in this case who is your ” Big Daddy “ , I use this term a lot when talking about humanities addiction to authority figures, so I thought I would share with you my definition of the “Big Daddy ” syndrome as I like to call it.

In some ways it’s another variation of  Stockholm Syndrome , people worshiping their rulers, their captors.

Big Daddy is everywhere , kind of  like Big Brother ,  The Doctor, The Policeman , The Politician , The Teacher , The Government Official , The FBI Agent, The Priest , The Preacher or just plain , The Authorities, that’s one of my favorites , who are these so called authorities , and who gave them the authority !

There are all sorts of  Big Daddy personae out there , not saying that these are good or bad career choices , just saying the fact that they exists as career choices tell us something about the quality of consciousness on this planet.

And what does it tell us, it tells us that there is a big demand for people who like to be in control of other people , which tells us there is an even larger group  of people who do not want to take responsibility for themselves, they would much rather outsource that to someone else , they don’t want to be sovereign , critical thinking , human beings , for many,  that is way too…scary !

One of the most important questions we should be asking ourselves in the awakening process is,  why do so many humans  need Big Daddy.

More commonly known as authority figures, the so called leaders of Government , Religions , Politicians, Doctors, Lawyers, Law Enforcement and the list goes on of power hungry entities.

For many of us that have never voted, have never idolized other beings of any kind , it’s a difficult concept to even comprehend, however for a large part of society , the question must be asked , of course the answer is complicated , its not black and white , it never is, universe is grey , always changing, expanding.

My perspective on all of this is not Anti Government , Anti Social, Anti Religion or anti anything for that matter, those are polarized ways of looking at this reality , this virtual simulation , this game we have running here. I am simply looking at things form out side the game board, high above it , looking at all the pieces, wondering , why anyone is even playing the game of politics.

So of course from this persepctive I see absolutely no point in participating in things like politics, it doesn’t serve me , it doesn’t serve anyone that I know or love, it doesn’t serve mother earth, in fact it’s just the opposite , this construct we call politics does quite the opposite , not only does it not serve our best interests, it works to dis empower  humanity, and consolidate  power into the hands of  the very few, it polarizes and is fear based.

So why on earth are there so many willing participants, so many people,  willing to bow before “Big Daddy” ?  Mostly its due of course to indoctrination, the process that goes on from cradle to grave here on this planet. From our education systems, to our court systems , TV programming, Movies, all aspects of society are geared towards brainwashing us into believing in “Authority”.


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