Much of humanity individually and collectively is text book neurotic. It’s running rampant throughout society, we see it manifesting in individuals and global events.

Carl Jung’s definition fits perfectly: “People become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life”.

All psychological suffering/Neurosis arises from the over identification with some thing. Whether that thing is money, relationships, your life situation etc. it makes no difference , they are all one and the same.

From the perspective of infinite consciousness the solution is quite simple, it’s to simply make a choice.

Are you going to allow circumstances to determine your state of being, or “acknowledge” that it’s actually your state of being that determines your circumstances. After all, that is our actual experience, regardless of what you may have been taught by society.

Every time you allow your state of being to be controlled by your circumstances, you are investing your source energy into a self perpetuating negative feedback loop.

Break the cycle, change the record, make a choice…Take a Chance.. you have nothing to loose and everything to gain !!!

Approach all circumstances in a positive way , and you will get a positive experience out of it , it’s pure physics!


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