Brno, November 10th, 2014, My Haunted Life, A Compendium of Strange, but True, Tales of the Paranormal is the new book from Czech Republic-based author G. Michael Vasey published by William Collins Publishing, London.

The book features a number of strange events in the author’s early life including chilling meetings with ghosts, poltergeist activity, haunted locations and clothing and much, much, more. It is available in paperback and Kindle versions from all amazon websites and good bookstores.

“My childhood was a strange one. One of my first memories is of a little, blue man who emerged out of a mirror in my bedroom, shot me with a toy gun and then jumped out of the window into the backyard below.

You might perhaps think that I imagined it, except for the fact that my parents actually heard the gunshot!” said G. Michael Vasey. “This book is a collection of events that happened to me. All are strange and all are true. When people say that “fact is stranger than fiction”– they weren’t joking.”

Guest Article By:  Dr. Gary Michael Vasey

While there are many reasons for knowing thyself one very good reason might be that the way you ‘see’ the world – or filter the world – has a very big role to play in how you see reality.

As a rather simplistic example, if I believe that everything is a conspiracy then I will see conspiracy everywhere. Knowing thyself is also about breaking down and ridding yourself of all the conditioning and programming that makes you ‘see’ reality a certain way and in ‘seeing’ or observing reality like that you essentially create reality that way.

You must attempt to break down and discard these lenses that you inherited.

Finally came quantum physics and, in particular, the concept that in order for something to exist it must be observed. The observer is the magician and collapses the wave function to create reality. Perhaps this happens at the quantum level within the brain itself where perhaps consciousness also exists?

The key thing is that when you start to put all of this together, we must come to a startling conclusion and that is that we create our own reality. In my novel, The Last Observer, where I explore this concept somewhat and in particular, this conversation between Edward and Stanley captures a good deal of my thinking;


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