As we grow in awareness, as we expand our consciousness, we see more and more of the big picture, the larger reality that we are part of, what Thomas Campbell calls the the “Larger Consciousness System”.

Thomas Campbell’s work has appeared on my radar screen recently, perhaps it’s the next step , the next phase in my journey. His work is centered around the premise that what we call life here on earth is a virtual reality, meaning its a reality that exists within a larger reality, it’s a subset of a larger system.

This concept , this way of describing the nature of reality is in absolute resonance to what I am feeling , to what I am experiencing right now, and has led me to a greater sense of empowerment.

What I love about Thomas Campbell is that he can explain in laymen terms the workings of the universe. Although Thomas is a physicist , he does not allow his training in hard science to limit his expansion , his growth, he is not one of the high priests of the religion known as science, yes science here on earth has turned into a type of religion.

Thomas sees the “laws of nature” as valid , as long as they are viewed as a subset of a larger nature or larger reality. Which makes absolutely perfect sense.

One of the other main features of his work is that he sees “Everything” as data,or information, nothing else, this is also very resonate for myself and many others , as it allows everything to be subject to our own personal interpretation , which is colored by our beliefs, our definitions, and our experiences, in other words it is ultimately subjective.

Because these attributes are unique to each of us , no one is really having the exact same experience , within this virtual reality, or simulation as Thomas commonly refers to it.

In other words we exist in what I call a sea of probability , this is what some may call the unified field , and within this field there are infinite “choices” that can be made , this is a free will universe.

We when we say we are all one , its not simply a metaphor, its the nature of reality , we are all, one particle, a particle that is infinite it’s capabilities.

A particle so infinite that it can be every where at once, it can be make up the entire physical universe.

Understanding the infinite particle is a way to visualize the nature of the holographic universe.  A way to intuitively feel how we are all connected with “Every Thing” , how we are all literally “One Thing” ,  and what each of us do effects those around us and the entire universe.

Each of us, of course is an entire universe , an individualized particle , growing  in awareness,  expanding  more and more each moment.

We will still have all our own personal memories and experiences that make us unique, we don’t give up our identity , we don’t loose anything , in some blending into the whole , we keep all of that and at “the Same Time ” realize we are the whole.

This is how infinite “The Particle” is !  Capable of being in all places, in all times, in all combinations, as physical matter or pure consciousness.

This is where particle physics is headed, this is what Einstein and many others were looking for in a “Unified Theory” of everything.

What I find amusing is that of course we “Humans” are just trying to make it so much more complicated. So we build billion dollar particle accelerators , so that we can find the smallest particle.

And we keep finding smaller and smaller particles , and of course we would , since the “One Particle” that we are, will of course continue to create what ever it seeks, what ever it consciously looks for will manifest.

There is ” No End “to the universe , which means , as we build instruments,  to detect smaller and smaller particles we will find smaller and smaller particles .

As we build instruments to see further and further out into the cosmos, we will find more galaxies , more stars , more universe.

As we expand consciousness and awareness to experiences different realities, densities and dimensions , we will  discover new realities , densities and dimensions, there is no end to that which is infinite, this is the  Power of the Particle.

Picture a Particle , The Particle, for fun we can call it the God Particle.  This particle is capable of infinite speed , so fast that it can literally  be at two places at the same time.

Now lets take it a step further, the particle is capable of infinite speed, faster than the speed of light, faster than the speed of thought , it is infinitely fast, so fast that it can be every where , all at once.

Because it is infinite in it capabilities, it can appear as the trillions of  particles , and atoms and cells that make up the human body, as well as all the atoms that make up the Earth and everything within her, and the sun and the galaxies and the universe.

One particle moving so quickly it can appear as everything in physical reality. This infinite particle also represents infinite consciousness, and all things that are non physical.

We , are in a sense appearing as individual fractals or particles of all that is , each of has our own unique experience of the whole , and the particle becasue of its infinite nature can do this , but it in reality there is only one particle , one being , creating the “illusion” of separation.

This is the fractal , holographic nature of all that is, one being , one particle experiencing all that is , simultaneously ! And each part containing the whole.  A change in one fractal is replicated in all of creation.

So the practical application , the “benefit”  from understanding, from knowing ,  this simple ” law of nature” is that when put into practice in your daily life it will greatly increase your abundance , synchronicity and growth.

It will transform your field of energy into a unifying force , as opposed to a polarizing force.

“Knowing”  that every person , thing , environment that you experience is simply a reflection of your “State of Being” . That there is no separate object , will allow you to more fully create the reality you prefer.

You see this explains why your “State of Being” creates your reality, becasue as a fractal of all that  is , any change in your vibration , thought, will permeate the particles , or unified field around you , as universe goes out to support the vibration that you are holding.

It can be positive , it can be negative, universe doesn’t make any distinction between those concepts, it simply fills the void , the mold , the space you have created.

Again this is why it is important to be “Very Clear” about your definitions, and what it is you “Want” !

This the “Power of the Particle” , this is what we are , we are always supported, we are universe personified , we are “The Particle” personified.

The Prime Radiant

One Particle Illustrated.


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