The Apocalypse is Reving Up !

Wow it’s already March 2011 and we are into the last wave here , I just waxed up the board, man those are some big waves. Hold on to your sanity , just let it go , all of it , drop the ego , live form the heart not the mind , it will be a lot more enjoyable. We are heading into uncharted waters now , no one knows whats going to happen , In fact that is probably the best thing , to go into this experience with a clean slate , an open mind . Try and limit your belief systems , your programs , your programing !  Do you really need them that badly, do you really need to be in control , to be right,  who cares.

Whats the worst thing that can happen,  if you surrender to all of it , just let it go , what can you really do anyway  , the apocalypse is here and its a good thing I tell you . Yeah we might be loosing some of our material wealth, many of us may loose our homes , but we have each other , we may find each other again , remember “Us” .

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