Apocalypse How: UNGRIP

Ungrip is the story of one man reclaiming his sovereignty.  Of course as infinite consciousness we are all sovereign, there is no one above us or below us those are all polarized concepts.

However in this particular reality a very complex system has been created to reduce the human being to nothing more than a  number on a card or document.

These systems have been around in various forms for a very long time on this planet , its just now during the later stages of the Apocalypse that  Human Beings are starting to realize that they are more than  a social security number , or drivers license.

And in fact when one digs into it a bit further the realization that we are nothing more than chattel to the very elite on this planet can be a bit shocking at first, but hey , it’s just part of waking up from the slumber , don’t take it personal.

The basic reality is that we are all considered personal property by the corporation. The corporation is collectively all mega corporations, governments and nation states.

While they have no actual control over us , the systems they have created are designed to elicit our compliance, our willing participation in their global dominance.

The methodology behind this is incredibly complex and the unraveling will take time, but we are the very least acknowledging it’s existence during the unveiling process.

The main course of action for those that wish to reclaim there sovereignty seems to revolve around a more self sufficient life style commonly known as living off the grid , as well as choosing not to be governed by anyone or anything.

I am all for this in concept , however there are very few who can achieve these goals for various reasons. The most difficult is the living off the grid part.

To live off the grid you need usable land that you can grow food on and own free and clear of any mortgage ,which will require lots of money,  and, somehow avoid paying property taxes.

Then you need some type of dwelling and some form of income or enough money to live on the for the rest of you life.

I would venture to say that 99% of us do not have these as options , which is why  I just don’t see billions of people living off grid on their own land , it sounds wonderful , it’ just not realistic , at least in the current version of reality that I am experiencing.

And as far as not paying taxes, not having a drivers license, or participating in anything that would entrap you in the “System”, well good luck there too, the system is way too complex for this approach in my humble opinion.

Real sovereignty can simply be achieved by knowing the traps exist, yet not allowing  them to control your “State of Consciousness” which is really all we own. From this persepctive you can see that physicality itself is essentially the trap.

So you can follow all the rules so to speak , jut don’t get caught up in the game of physicality.

For those that do have the resources to go off the grid , I would say go for it if that’s your highest joy , I would absolutely love to be able to do it, but I know it’s not a reality for me,  its not the experience I am supposed to have.

Now being more self sufficient , growing some food ,  becoming more in touch with nature , these are more realistic goals that many of us can do and feel better in the process.

Remember integration is about inclusion, not exclusion , we don’t have to go to extremes , the old corrupt systems will die on their own lack of integrity and usefulness.

So the sovereignty movement is jut another aspect of the unveiling, the people that are doing it are showing us how manipulated we have been , and they are exposing the control mechanisms.  So thank you very much for your sacrifice and  for your contribution to the awakening process.

But hey even the guy in this film has telephones and internet access, and uses electricity and I’m sure he makes trips to Wall Mart where he can get cheap stuff from China.

Just Remember we are all sovereign, no matter where we live or how much money we have . We are infinite consciousness experiencing what its like to be human.

It’s just a ride , and its quite possible and even likely these illusions and deceptions go well beyond what we call physical reality.

Perhaps  the entire physical / dimensional universe is  full of this type of  deception at some level , then the best way to handle it is to realize that you are universe simply deceiving yourself for the fun of it, then its truly game over , no control can exist.

Ungrip is a film by Ben Stewart an excellent film maker who has brought us many excellent awakening films , thank you Ben for your hard work and dedication , it is greatly appreciated.

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