Apocalypse Sun: AR1429 M7.9 Parting Shot

As AR1429 transits around the sun it fired a parting shot in the form of an M Class solar flare measuring 7.9.  Ar1429 has turned out to be one of the most intense sunspots for the current cycle so far .

AR1429 produced 5 out of the top 20 sunspots for solar cycle 24 , an X5.4 , X1.3 , X1.1 , M8.4 , and a M7.9 today as it leaves the earth facing side of the sun.

Wow , that was a lot of data in a very short period of time , and will be fueling the expansion of consciousness for days to come, and that’s a good thing  and we thank father sun for his contribution to “all that is “.

I often refer to solar flares as data packets because the sun is the main source, of source energy in our local area of the universe and you can think of these as updates to consciousness itself.

The sun is always working in perfect harmony with all of its children and the entire solar system is going through an update during this great awakening we call the Apocalypse.

It turns out I’m not the only one who thinks along theses lines, I stumbled upon a great video by Wendy Kennedy who describes the suns behavior in the same way.

Here she is channeling the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective and  I have to say the information is very resonate and empowering, not fear based at all , which I tend to be more in alignment with for obvious reasons.

Here Skyywatcher88 does an excellent analysis again , of AR1429’s parting M7.9 solar flare.

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