As we move forward in this Apocalypse , many of the Doom and Gloomers , those addicted to fear porn are asking … where is the “predicted” Economic Collapse, Cataclysmic Earth Changes , World War III, the Alien Invasion and on and on the monkey mind wanders.

Well … in some ways those things are happening …albeit not to the severity or in the “way”  that many “Predicted”.

This is the problem with predicting the future  , we can’t predict how accurate any given prediction will be , and from a greater perspective it is an exercise in  futility .

In these uncertain times , these times of incredible growth and expansion many people fear change , so in an attempt to alleviate the fear of the unknown , all manner of predictions and false profits come on to the scene to fill the needs of the masses desire to make sense of what is happening around them.

The prophecies range from the end of the world and collapse of society to a new golden age and the ascension of mankind into a new vibrational state , a new dimension, and everything in between.



Identification Equals Suffering …OK , what does that mean. It means the more identified you are with physicality, your life story, material things, relationships,sensations , feelings , thoughts , the more suffering you will encounter during your stay on “Hotel Earth” !

Yes its a hotel, your a guest , you check in and you check out !  But while your here , it seems the more you derive your self worth  in “things” , the more difficult it will be to find what you are looking for , which is ultimately , to be complete , whole , satiated , with out “need” of any “Thing” .. our true nature outside the world of form!

True unconditional love does not “need” anything !  Suffering is always a resistance to what is !

If in fact ” life is but a dream”  it seems obvious that trying to fulfill yourself from something that is so fleeting will only lead to disappointment , suffering, fear … so why do most of keep doing it ?

Programming , conditioning , we are all born into a highly programmed and conditioned construct called the human race, a grand experiment , a wonderful experience , perhaps unprecedented in the cosmos , fractals of  “all that is ” lost in the mind created world .


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