apoc man


Well he’s back !  The Apocalypse Man ! Who is this self proclaimed Apocalypse man … none other than Michael Ruppert !

He’s come a long way baby , from best selling author of  Crossing the Rubicon , to his final fare well book …Collapse!  Michael has certainly crossed the Rubicon , and recently he’s even crossed state lines, moving from his home in California to a place somewhere in Colorado , that looks like a cross between a tent city and a Indian village from a western movie.

Now … I have to say I empathize with Michael Ruppert as a voice for the Apocalypse , we all have our voice , our part to play in the grand dream we call life, so I’m not knocking his work , or his life in anyway , he has helped to shed a lot of light on  the corruption , greed and insanity that much of the human race reflects.

In the video below  he starts to tell his story  , his experience  of the last couple of years as his life seemed to fall apart, as the big “Collapse ” never came, at least not yet anyway , he talks of being fed up with humanity , life , and was even contemplating suicide when finally he ended up in Colorado , penniless, stripped of all possessions  and at the very end of his rope.


Our entire economy is built on the  illusion of perpetual growth , and for this to be possible things have to break down after a certain time frame , so they can be replaced by new things.

So in the process of developing a new product engineers design things so they will stop working within a given time period based on the over all formula for a particular item whether it be a toaster, a washing machine , computer or TV.

Generally speaking if you pay more , it will last a bit longer , and the beat goes on , and the land fills and dumps  around the world continue to fill up , all part of the planned … obsolescence !

It’s a system of madness , it makes absolutely no rational sense , yet another example of how insane the human race has become.

Although from a greater perspective Planned Obsolescence seems to be  built into the very fabric of the world of form , physicality itself is really just an illusion as many have said , so what difference does it really make anyway , land fills get bigger , resources dwindle , the human “Race” continues, where we are racing to no one knows.

And yet … a million years from now , long after humans have come and gone , long after they have used mother earth for their school yard,  the earth shifts , land gets converted to magma , magma creates volcanoes and new land masses are formed , and the signs of humanities existence are completely erased , everything returns to the base elements !


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