Well here it is October 29th 2011 , the day after. The day after the end of the Mayan calendar. No fanfare, just quietly the day passes. Well to be honest I don’t feel any different than I did yesterday.

Although compared to 3 years ago , when I was suddenly awakened in 2008, there is no comparison. My awareness has been so completely expanded, there has definitely been an unprecedented explosion in consciousness.

Perhaps now we can go “Free Style” , we are no longer in a cyclical movement. The process of integrating all the experiences of the last 16 billion years is coming to a head.

Now maybe each of us can make a choice as to what version of reality we want to experience, no longer obligated to participate in a collective reality where there are so many different polarities.

If each of us are effectively  a universe , perhaps now we can take the lessons we leaned here as a collective , and create realities  that resonate vibrationally with our own personal highest joy.

Perhaps  we will no longer have to experience  the collective drama any longer, we don’t have to be in a universe with war , destruction, greed, hatred,  we have all been these things already, its time to move on, at least for me, that’s what I want.

I’m ready for some peace and harmony , I’ m done with theses intense polarities , been there done that , I’m ready to move on.

What that means exactly , I don’t know, I surrender to not knowing what is goign to happen, all I can do is be love , be compassion , be understanding, be empathy , be forgiveness.

If I become these things no matter what the outer circumstances  are , then I will at least be ready , I will at least be in resonance with the type of reality that I prefer , that I want to be part of , that I want to create.

It always starts from within , there is no out there.

Well supposedly the Mayan Calendar is ending in a few days , October 28th 2011.

Personally I am glad too because I think we need a vacation , jeeze … that was a long shift 16.5 billion years , who came up with that number anyway.

Ok we learned a lot… I guess, or remembered a lot… or what ever , anyway, hopefully we won’t be locked into these predetermined cycles that take forever to get through. They are giving me a headache.

I’m ready to go freestyle and see what happens when time is irrelevant and there is only “The Moment”.

Not exactly sure how that’s gonna work, sounds like it might be cluster you know what, as everyone hits the throttle and goes careening off the road. We’ll all be four wheeling , course you know that can get pretty bumpy !

Hey why not , what could possibly happen , I mean we are infinite consciousness, time to let our hair down and say the hell with it … what …we gonna do this for another 16.5 billion years. God I hope not.

I say lets go for it , we got the sun giving us plenty of go juice to ramp things up , we are turning the transformer way up ,lets transform something.

They say by the middle of 2012 after much bumping around we will gradually go from a slightly more negative to a slightly more positive collective environment. Wow that’s a bit anti climatic ! Is that all we got to look forward to.

Don’t get me wrong I’m all for more positivity , but after 16.5 billion years I was hoping for a quantum leap, not 51% positivity.

Hopefully “it” wont turn out like anything , anybody thinks it will , that’s all I gotta say , otherwise , boring ! Been there done that .

Whatever it is, it will be much appreciated and I thank the universe, and myself , since I am universe, we are universe personified.


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