I wanted to add the Apocalypse Help section , so that I could create an area where users can interact with us, the collective,  , by asking questions or simply sharing their own thoughts and feelings with the other Apocalypse How readers.

There is a lot of confusion in the main stream media , but there is just as much dis information in what we like to call the alternative media as well , in fact in some ways I would argue that much of what we call alternative media is becoming more , main stream, and that’s OK too.

At the end of the day it’s all just information , for you to filter however you like, it’ all just entertainment for infinite beings , like you and I .

So please email me at  seth@apocaylpse-how.com , and share your thoughts or questions with us, I won’t be giving out any answers, answers imply right and wrong, they imply something that is definitive ,  it will just be my feelings and thoughts, from where I am right now, might be different tomorrow.

The first question for this section comes form Pete in Canada, and its a very relevant question for this moment right now.


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