In 2009 I shifted to a version of reality , a timeline, a probable earth , that included the individual know as Darryl Anka. Darryl has been channeling a being known as Bashar for almost 30 years.

What fascinates me is that I have been exploring the nature of reality just as long and up until 2009 I had never heard of Bashar.

For someone like myself who frequents the Metaphysical section of book stores and made more than a couple of trips to Sedona , you would think I would have come across his name along the way .

So it appears we are constantly shifting, “I’m Shifting Now” !

I recently found out that Darryl actually went to some of the original Jane Roberts meetings back in the day where she channeled Seth and that blew my mind becasue I studied the Seth Material for many years.

In fact the Seth material, I have always held as some of the most resonate , useful material to be found on this planet, in physicality, and much of my growth in understanding the nature of reality, my expansion, I attribute to to the Seth material.

The Seth Material awakened me to the ideas that have become the basis for my belief system. And that is that we are multi dimensional beings and that we create our reality, individually and collectively.

I would suggest that the primary message of both Bashar and Seth is that we create reality, that reality is a bi product of consciousness, infinite , source consciousness, the only true substance of the universe.

So while this is a new discovery , I am not surprised, in fact when you look at the image of what Seth was supposed to look like , drawn by Jane Roberts partner Robert Butts, there is a striking similarity between Seth and Darryl Anka { aka Bashar}.

The synchronicity in all of this of course makes perfect sense. I’m not making any statement here, not saying Bashar and Seth are the same being , but it does seem incredibly coincidental.

So all in good food fun I would say that Bashar is Seth 2.0 at least for me.

Because Bashar is being presented to us via Darryl Anka , we can enjoy his videos in digital format in the you tube reality , where ideas can travel around the world over night , it’s another step beyond reading, its a whole new level.

Back in the day all of the Seth material for me was in book format, and it was very deep reading. But just like the Seth material , I can listen to a Bashar video more than once and continue to glean information and insight time and time again .

I just thought it interesting to bring this up , many of you out there will likely have had a similar connection between the Seth material and that of Bashar which of course makes sense, as vibrationally they are a match.

And lastly I would like to thank Darryl and all his hard work and sacrifice in bringing this information into physicality.

From a greater perspective of course we are “All Connected” there is no separation, only the illusion of separation, or as Seth always said , ” there is no end to the Within of things”

Check out the books below by Darryl Anka !

What got me started on the similarities between Seth and Bashar is this really excellent, laid back interview with a couple of Darryl’s friends, check it out , its really informative and shows you the another aspect to the Bashar Phenomenon.

As we move deeper into 2012 and This Awakening process, it is important to remember to live each day with Humility , Integrity and here is the kicker , no expectation,  I know that’s probably the hardest thing to do.

How do you live in physicality ,in this complicated reality , with no expectation, it seems an impossibility. What does it even mean to have “no expectations”.

From personal experience it requires complete surrender, you have to surrender to the fact that ultimately you really have no control over anything “out there”.

The only thing we have any control over , and the only thing that “Matters” is State of Being !

And as you progress , as you expand your awareness , you start to notice that your expectations are usually a dim reflection of what universe had in mind for you anyway, and if you had  let your ego make the choices , you would have missed out on the blessings.

Its a lesson learned , no one can tell you. You have to learn to trust in the process, and again its about surrendering , its about letting go of all the dogma and crap we have been literally brainwashed with our entire lives .

I’ve noticed that people who are doing this are having a  much better go of it , a more enjoyable time through this process , and those that don’t are running their fist through the wall .

2012 is a tipping point, its the end of the Quarantine. From this point on, there is enough critical mass , enough people have awakened,  to shift the collective to a slightly more positive state of being.

Now that we are at this stage , now that we are having this conversation about other beings, we call extraterrestrials, which of course are simply other manifestations of  infinite consciousness having their own unique experience of all that is.

These other beings , some of  which are more like ancestors , are now allowed, so to speak,  to interact with us more so,  than they have in the past.

The Quarantine has been lifted.  As long as we are ready , and as long we are asking  for their insight , their perspective, it will be freely given. And this whole process is exploding exponentially .

Now here is the big shocker,all that these other beings are trying to do ,is share with us the story of what we are , so that we can become more of what we are. 

There may be some with more nefarious plans ,but unless your in alignment with them vibrationally , they hold no power, they are nothing more than bullies in the playground, or they are simply scared and trying to get what they can, greedy little bastards.

The only power “Anything” has , is that which you give it , so lets quit giving our power away to the programs that run the false paradigms that we call modern civilization here on planet earth, lets stand up and become the sovereign beings that we already are.

If you can approach each moment , each day living in that vibration,  not only will it make your experience more enjoyable , it will allow your higher self to work through you to a much greater degree in manifesting your highest joy, whatever that might be.

There are so many fear based programs running right now that unless you become aware of them , you are pretty much living inside a very closed system.

So lets embrace the end of the quarantine, 2012 is here and it’s not about the end of the world , its about remembering who we are. The big sleep is over , the amnesia is quickly fading for many of us.

And even though we may not have all the answers , or connected all the pieces of the puzzle , the gates are open , the Quarantine is over!


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