The Present Moment , Living in the moment, Being Present . These popular catch phrases,  these ideas are hot topics in the awakening discussion , and when understood and “Lived” are vital to staying sane in an insane world , but what does it actually mean to be present, to live in the moment .

All  of the great teachers out there  talk about being in the present moment as perhaps the most important aspect of  awakening , why … because the present moment is all that really exists, past and future or just ideas, constructs, thoughts coming from the world of form.

The key to actually living in the moment is really about understanding the “Human Condition”.  So what is the human condition , well the general connotation is that of … suffering, although there is so much more to “Being” human, much of it is quite wonderful , joyous and exciting !

So … what is causing the suffering part ?  Well … all I can share is my own personal experience , although from what I hear from others  out there , we are all very similar , we are  experiencing very similar challenges when it comes to trying to stay present and live in the moment .

It appears much of the challenge comes from our “over identification”  with form , which includes our thoughts  generated by the conditioned mind , our ego , our persona ,  most of which we inherited through our culture via indoctrination.


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