Do you want to be right or happy ?  This is a question I ask myself on a daily basis.  At any given moment throughout the day we are faced with choices , whether to do this or that.

How do we know what the “Right ” decision is ?   Well from a greater perspective of course there is no right or wrong decision, its simply a different path , a different expression , we will all get there , so it doesn’t really matter.

However there is way to shorten the path so to speak , to mitigate the negative types of experiences that we do not want to have in our life , and I have found that choosing to be happy over being right is usually the ticket .

There have many instances that  I can think of where I may have actually been right , but after choosing that path , I was not happy , and it did not bring me joy or abundance.

This is yet another  practical application to the awakening process, that allows you to move into a more synchronistic experience of  what we call physicality.

Most of us want joy , happiness , abundance in our lives , and this is the key to manifesting those things in your daily life.  So ask yourself do you wan to be right or happy.

It has been my experience that many times we are our own worst enemy , we get in the way of ourselves. I have come to the conclusion that its a matter of letting go of ego or the mind’s desire to be in control of every situation that is really at the root of this.


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