If the only choice you have is to vote Red or Blue , don’t bother , they are two sides of the same coin, there is “NO ” difference .  Anybody who is somewhat aware of what is going on here on planet earth has a fairly good idea that our political system is toast.

There is nothing inherently wrong with ” The System ” itself , you always here people say things like …man it’s the system ! The System is screwed up , we gotta come up with a new system !

I have to laugh when I hear this , because they are not seeing the big picture , there is nothing wrong with the system, the founding fathers were pretty sharp dudes , the problem is the system they created , which was designed to be for the people doesn’t even really exist anymore.

It’s been modified , manipulated, re created , corrupted , by those that need power because they have none , and of course we can’t blame them either ,  they are us , they are part of the human race, part of the collective consciousness , and yet every election  year people keep voting for them like it’s their favorite member of  Survival , Lost , or Dancing with the Stars , it’s  like some kind of mixture of hero worship, Idolatry and Stockholm syndrome , I can’t figure our why any one votes for these people anymore .

The Health Scare System, no it’s not a play on words , at least not from my persepctive , to me it is a “Scare” system , more so than a “Care” system.

Let me be clear I’m not saying “everything” about modern medicine or the health care system is inherently bad , universe uses everything, universe is everything , so this is not a polarized perspective, I am simply pointing out that certain belief systems that have manifested out of the construct we call health care are not exactly …well… healthy !

Again it’s not the system or construct, it’s the quality of the consciousness that animates a system that will determine how effective it is , how corrupt it is and so , the same is true with any system , whether it be , political , economic , social and so on , it all depends on the quality of consciousness that currently exists, and one just has to look around to see that we need some improvement from the persepctive of the “collective consciousness” anyway , however the collective is made up of individuals , so the work starts at home !

Individually many of us are moving towards a much higher caliber of behavior , of consciousness, and we have already eclipsed many of the constructs and events that occur , simply becasue we no longer give them our attention.


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