Knowing is something beyond a belief , knowing comes from direct personal experience. If someone tells you the stove is hot , don’t touch it , you can “believe” them  , although unless you touch it yourself , you don’t “really ” know that it will burn you.

Knowing is the by product self discovery , believing is the by product of indoctrination.  We are all born into this system of indoctrination , we call it our culture , however as Terence Mckenna once said “culture is not our friend”.

What Terence meat by that statement is that  culture is a program , a program designed to dis empower the human spirit , designed to keep us at base level of consciousness , designed to keep infinite consciousness  in a box.

This is why it is so important to utilize our discernment as we go through this process of waking up , we have been in a slumber , a waking dream and as we begin to open our eyes it is very challenging to “Know ” what is truth and what is manipulation.

Currently,  a large percentage of the population , or the collective , understand , at least subconsciously, that knowledge carries with it a personal responsibility , which is why all of the belief systems ( religion, new age, politics, science, military,education … )  on the planet are so successful , no one wants to take responsibility for themselves , they want to remain spiritual infants , because believing what others tell us is a hell of a lot easier , it requires absolutely no self discovery .


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