As we expand and grow in awareness  we are entering a period where we will gradually shift from a slightly more negative environment to a slightly more positive environment.

Of course this too depends on which version of earth you decide to experience.

For now we are talking about the most resonate versions “WE” are detecting ,for those of us who want positive change and are willing to take total and complete responsibility in our co creative  participation.

For those that resonate more , with a doom and gloom ending of things and believe that they are victims of negative forces, the outcome and experience will be entirely different .

And that’s OK too, we are so loved , “all things” are allowed expression , the universe , all that is, first source , is infinite !

This shift , for many humans will likely be imperceptible.  Even for those that are more sensitive and aware of the finer grains of  life , will only be able to perceive the shift as subtle changes within their own personal reality, their own “State of Being”.


Today we will be ” thanking ” universe for the abundance that ” it is ”  and  ” giving”  our unconditional love in return , in the form of good food, camaraderie , and support to those around us who may not be able,  at this time,  to feel it on their own.

There is no higher vibration,  than the state of appreciation , of being thankful for our very existence , of knowing that universe will always support us in our journey towards greater expansion and awareness.

For many right now on this planet there is a lot of suffering , uncertainty and fear , many live are in turmoil and upheaval for various reasons and circumstances, some are related to money ,health ,  some are related to the incredible personal changes that are taking place in these times of the Apocalypse , the unveiling.

Individually and collectively we are going through this process, while each of us go about in our own unique way , collectively we share the lessons with each other , becasue ultimately we are one being , having the experience as many.

So today as you look around the table , around the room , on the street , in the park , as you drive past someone in their car , know that  any sense of separation is an illusion , we are all one thing… consciousness !

As the veil between the physical and the non physical , between the truth and the deceptions slowly fades , we are re awakening to who and what we truly are, and while we have always been these things , because of the cyclical nature of universe we are experiencing it as a re birth , and as  in all  human birthing processes , there is always pain …. followed by incredible joy !


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