As we expand and grow in awareness  we are entering a period where we will gradually shift from a slightly more negative environment to a slightly more positive environment.

Of course this too depends on which version of earth you decide to experience.

For now we are talking about the most resonate versions “WE” are detecting ,for those of us who want positive change and are willing to take total and complete responsibility in our co creative  participation.

For those that resonate more , with a doom and gloom ending of things and believe that they are victims of negative forces, the outcome and experience will be entirely different .

And that’s OK too, we are so loved , “all things” are allowed expression , the universe , all that is, first source , is infinite !

This shift , for many humans will likely be imperceptible.  Even for those that are more sensitive and aware of the finer grains of  life , will only be able to perceive the shift as subtle changes within their own personal reality, their own “State of Being”.

Are you stressed out !  I hope not , however  billions of humans on this planet right now are in stress mode, so it’s no shock if you are part of the club.

We are given so  many things to “worry ” about , here in this drama , play , this virtual reality game we call life !

So many believe this is it , all there is , they have their houses , their cars, their bank accounts, their careers ,big frowns on their foreheads  , and families to take care of , and many “believe”  everything is in jeopardy … of being … lost , and many have lost quite a bit already , it is happening !

This is the mind set , the ” state of being ”  for many on earth and it is perpetuated every single moment of each day by all the fear based programs , the latest big one , (besides money issues which everyone has to deal with lately , because of the collapse of the economic systems ) ,   is the health care issue , people are loosing their health care , or will end up paying more for their health care , or will be fined if they don’t get health care … jeeze , more problem, reaction solution ad nausea from the powerless that be , and for those that buy into the control mechanisms… unfortunately !


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