We are the Masters of Limitation.  You and I have chosen to participate in a “grand experiment” that we call physicality, the human race  the human condition , and mother earth has graciously given us a place , a stage , to let it  “ALL”  play out.

We have chosen , as infinite consciousness, as infinite beings , to insert ourselves, into a reality , a situation,  where we have completely forgotten who and what we are, where we have come from , and we are just now starting to figure out where we might be going.

As you go about your day , never forget this , with every disappointment , with each new challenge and adversity, “Know” , you are up for the task , becasue we are Masters and this is a Masters Course, never forget it .



Expectation can be a form of limitation . Having no expectation at all about anything frees up universe to bring you abundance in ways you would have never “expected”.

Because we are creating our reality moment by moment , day by day , expectation can become self fulfilling, in another words expectation can be turned into intent , albeit unconsciously.

It’s simple physics at play here, if your expecting bad things to happen , then your focus will be negative and of course your thoughts will become negative and as creator beings this translates into asking universe for things we don’t want to happen.

And of course universe will support whatever we are asking for , it makes no distinction between good or bad , positive or negative, it simply fills in the void we have created , the template we have set forth .

Even if your aware of  your co creative power, and your expectations are positive, love based and seeking your highest joy and excitement , expecting a certain outcome , may very well limit you , becasue universe could have had done so much better had you simply made your intent clear and allowed universe to take it from there , with no expectation.


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