

Identification Equals Suffering …OK , what does that mean. It means the more identified you are with physicality, your life story, material things, relationships,sensations , feelings , thoughts , the more suffering you will encounter during your stay on “Hotel Earth” !

Yes its a hotel, your a guest , you check in and you check out !  But while your here , it seems the more you derive your self worth  in “things” , the more difficult it will be to find what you are looking for , which is ultimately , to be complete , whole , satiated , with out “need” of any “Thing” .. our true nature outside the world of form!

True unconditional love does not “need” anything !  Suffering is always a resistance to what is !

If in fact ” life is but a dream”  it seems obvious that trying to fulfill yourself from something that is so fleeting will only lead to disappointment , suffering, fear … so why do most of keep doing it ?

Programming , conditioning , we are all born into a highly programmed and conditioned construct called the human race, a grand experiment , a wonderful experience , perhaps unprecedented in the cosmos , fractals of  “all that is ” lost in the mind created world .


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