The Wake Up Call      Part 1.

1:40Am January 1st 2012:

I woke up to a loud boom, the whole house was shaking and it sounded like some of the windows actually shattered. Our dog Henry went crazy and my wife almost broke here leg jumping out of bed so fast.

We were completely baffled as to what had happened , we saw the neighbors lights on as well , so it wasn’t just our house. The little village of Lakeview sits nestled near a small coastal lake in the Pacific North West, and our house sits along its shores.

Its always so quiet around here , so this was quite a “wake up” call. We both looked at each other as if we had seen a ghost not knowing what we should do. We called the neighbors and they confirmed they too had been startled and were checking for structural damage and broken windows.

The Johnsons were  an older  retired couple , like family to us,  so we went over to check on them to make sure they were all right.

After making the rounds and covering two broken windows , we called the local fire department and asked what had happened, sure enough we were not the only ones effected in this small town of twelve hundred , mostly retirees from California.

Randy , the volunteer fire chief was also the towns sheriff, he said it sounded like a sonic boom , but at a level he had never heard before , and had already put in a call to the air force base in Medford to see what was going on.

They told him not to worry,  they were doing fly by drills , and when he asked what that was, and why they were doing them over the town in the middle of the night , he was put on permanent hold.

After a  sleepless night we woke up to a sunny morning and were thankful we didn’t have to go to work that day. The sun had been shining for 3 months now , very unusual for the Pacific north west in the winter time.

We had a persistent high pressure system parked over us and it did not want to leave , Sea Tac airport  reported the highest atmospheric pressure ever recorded.

2012 was here and it came in with a bang, literately. After breakfast we checked the towns small website to see if any updates had been posted as to the cause of the loud mystery.

Having lived near Nellis Air force base in Las Vegas for nearly a year , I have heard a few sonic booms before and while loud and annoying , they didn’t come anywhere close to what had happened last night. This was a whole new level, and I wasn’t convinced this was just some air force yahoos looking to scare up the old folks in the middle of the night.

Well here it is , 2012. And this is the year where we simply say no.

No to the constructs, programs, mind control, manipulations, anything that supports the polarizing paradigms on this planet that are “FEAR” based.

This Year We say “NO” to all the “False Evidence Appearing Real

This is the most powerful thing we can do as vehicles for manifestation in what we call physicality. As we move deeper into the Apocalypse, the light will be getting brighter and brighter.

As we illuminate this current paradigm , we will see the dirt in all the corners of the room , in greater and greater detail. And this is a good thing, the Apocalypse is a good thing.

Because everyone knows its very difficult to properly clean your room in the dark.

The “Room” we are talking about of course is the planet earth and the human race as we currently know it.

The awakening is like a potentiometer slowly being dialed up , ever increasing the light , so that little by little we start to see things as they truly are.

This is a process that has been going for quite some time , although in the last few years it has been increasing exponentially due to the ever increasing vibrationally energy we have been traveling through as our solar systems plows through the cosmos.

There have been, and there will be times when the process is painful , becasue we will be looking at the dirt and decay and rot of a reality that has been manifested by our own beliefs and definitions.

And that’s all perfectly fine, it was a process we all agreed to at some level or we would not be here.

But now its time we say “NO” . At first we need to say “NO” to the “beliefs and definitions” that are currently “manifesting” the fear based constructs.

Which means we say no to the “beliefs” that support War, Hunger ,Disease, Politics, Lack of Abundance, Pyramidical Hierarchies , Death, Polarity, Prophecy , Tyranny.

As we grow in awareness , as we dial up the luminosity in our collective room, we can see that Tyranny will always exists as long as we “believe” we need politics, government, Big Daddy in our lives to take care of us.

And as long as their are governments like we currently have , there will always be wars , death , destruction , economically , as well as environmental and human casualties.

So you can see how “Beliefs” are where it all starts, one belief leads to another until you have a belief system.

So its time to say “NO” I don’t believe we need wars. “NO” I do not believe in the false left right political systems. “NO” I do not believe money is the only representation of abundance.

“NO” I do not believe in limitation of any kind as infinite consciousness has none. “NO” I don’t believe “the Powers That Be” have any “REAL” Powers.

“NO” I don’t believe 2012 is the year the world ends , or that we have to face global catastrophes. “No” I don’t believe Belief systems are what “I AM “.

To all polarized, FEAR mongering , corrupted , Inbred bloodline, misinformation I say “NO” “NO” “NO” “NO” “NO”

2012 can be the year , if you so choose, to say “NO”. It’s the one thing you can actually do, right now , in this moment, “you” can decide what you want , what you believe in , what you want to experience.

Yes we still have to get up everyday and make a living , feed ourselves, find ways to survive while these paradigm shifts occur, yes most us of course will have to deal with the way the world is now , while we the collective decide whats next.

But we can in small ways as we go through this process , makes decisions on what we want to support at the collective level , even though yes we are still paying our taxes, still going to Wall Mart, still using paper money , still burning fossil fuels , still watching endless wars , killing and destruction.

While quietly , Inwardly, as individual fractals of all that is , we can hold the template for the type of reality we want to experience, and to the best of our ability we can “Be The Change we want to see in the world, such as Unity , Love , Compassion, Empathy , Understanding.

And as you do so , as we Become These Attributes of the Heart , you will find , synchronicity in manifesting the reality you are in alignment with Vibrationally.

Just remember this is the year to say “NO” I will not be manipulated, I am a sovereign being.

With that I would like to share one of the best awakening songs I have heard to date , It Rocks The Apocalypse !


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