As we move deeper into 2012 , past the midway point , the world ” Out There ” continues to oscillate between collapse and recovery, between creation and destruction , darkness and light , as more source energy is dumped into the playing field.

As governments and their masters use this energy to turn up the heat on the slowly boiling frogs, ( yes that’s us ) ,  wars , rumors of wars, aerial drones in US cities , Economic crisis , Police State tactics, Health Care Bills , Political Theater are entering into a level of novelty unprecedented in human history.

At the same time many of us on the planet are using this gift , this extra boost of energy to shift into higher gear, to propel ourselves further down the evolutionary path.

And like a snow flake , like a fingerprint , no two paths are the same, although they do  intertwine, they meet at certain intervals , they coalesce at certain junctures, all in a grand dance , the dance of the cosmos.

Some of the dancers come together, they are like minded people , kindred souls ,that  form groups, self organizing collectives , that choose  to create new constructs , new paradigms, new worlds, new versions of reality .

And today , in July of 2012 , at the half way point , between destruction and creation , darkness and light , I will share some of the revelations that I find fascinating , that interest me, that help me to see the big picture, that bring me joy and are helping to empower me on my personal journey.

I’m not so arrogant as to call these truths, as some will see them as pure nonsense , but there are many who may find a resonance , and it’s to those that I share my thoughts with , my voice with , because each of us , have our own truths.

Applying what we learn in this awakening process,  to our daily lives,  is the key to what I call completing the circuit. And completing the circuit is essentially maintaining  a balance  between input and output.

It’s about fine tuning your state of being ,which allows you to become a super resonate transmitter / receiver, bringing unified source energy into this polarized reality we call planet earth.

Fine tuning is a process that requires us to do the shadow work on ourselves so that we no longer blame outer circumstances , and we understand that belief systems are just ways to filter reality, we understand that our definitions color our experiences and we learn we can define things any way we choose.

If you still feel you are a victim in all of this , then there is not much  you can do to help anyone else , more work needs to be done, on yourself,  this not about fixing others, its about being authentic and honest with yourself, its about going inward and taking a hard look at how you are defining , filtering reality , and looking at your belief systems to see if they are serving you or someone else.

When we free ourselves , from the old constructs, the old ways of being that are crumbling before us, we become better conduits for source energy , and we allow a balance of input and out put to take place , and in doing so  the human body , mind , and spirit, will all benefit and blossom,  full of health and vitality and infinite abundance , of all things, not just material wealth.



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