I often wonder what happens in  between lives , what are we doing, I suppose anything we want,  I mean , we are infinite consciousness, right !

Which is why one can’t help but wonder why so many people come back to earth and do it all over again , what are we crazy ,probably !

Although  I imagine omnipotence can get a little ho hum after a few billion years.

So I guess we try and find exciting things to do , like create  planets,  galaxies, universes, realities,  people , you know the usual hobbies.

I wonder if we plan our adventures , you know,  sit around the table , look through the brochures , decide what planet to incarnate on , do I want to be a boy or a girl , reptilian or mammalian , the tough decisions.

Well,  all I have to say is , if that’s the the case , the brochure is full of crap, and next time around I’m not going for it !  Yeah right , I’ll probably do it again , thinking ” I’ll get it right the next time “.


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