Are you ready to unravel yourself ,  and be free of all of the illusions  that you think are “You ” !

Do you ever tire of playing the game , playing the part, keeping up with the maintenance of being you, being a personality is much like being an actor , with roles to play , lines to remember , proper makeup and clothing , it’s a lot of work.

However as we become more expanded during our awakening, one of the by products , or one of the effects is that you actually start to become  less identified with your human persona , you start to unravel yourself from the bonds of beliefs ,   in other words you are in the world but not of it.

You no longer think of your self as Bob the electrician , or Mary the nurse , or an American or a Californian , or the million other little  ways in which humans categorize themselves , each one creates a layer,  wrapping source consciousness in an ever increasing tangle of  symbolic rope, until one day all you see is rope and you can barely move, a prisoner in your own self created matrix.

And these layers keep building up over time until we really have no idea ” WHAT “we are, however we ” think ” we know ” WHO ” we are , we are Bob the electrician , who lives in Colorado, in the city of Denver, who likes football, votes Democrat, drives a Ford, Likes to hunt , likes rock music , is ex military , currently divorced , has 2.3 children , is against abortion , yet is pro gay marriage ( OK, I’m just making this up ) but you get the idea ,   and on and on the layers build up .


Relationships are the reason we are here, we are  talking about all types of relationships , not just spousal relationships but all of them  all relationships are a reflection , just like all of universe is a reflection of our state being, our beliefs and our definitions.

Right now a lot of people are experiencing challenges in their relationships because of all the  adversity in their lives, primarily becasue of money and financial problems, that’s a big one right now ,   people are  loosing their jobs, or can’t find a job , they are loosing their homes, everything they have worked for is gone , this creates fear , which gets reflected in relationships.

Another challenge in  relationships right now  is the fact that we are going through a pivotal shift in consciousness , and with this increase in vibration and energy there is an uptick in anxiety as relationships can become more polarized than normal ,in other words the differences between people that in the past could have been over looked are now more pronounced , more obvious perhaps .

One of the most common challenges  we see right now, as it applies to the awakening process ,   is when one spouse has decided to embrace these changes , this awakening , by proactively expanding their own consciousness , through study , research, meditation , or what ever form they use to become more expanded ,  more of who and what they are , and their partner does not share their same passion.


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