Are you ready to unravel yourself ,  and be free of all of the illusions  that you think are “You ” !

Do you ever tire of playing the game , playing the part, keeping up with the maintenance of being you, being a personality is much like being an actor , with roles to play , lines to remember , proper makeup and clothing , it’s a lot of work.

However as we become more expanded during our awakening, one of the by products , or one of the effects is that you actually start to become  less identified with your human persona , you start to unravel yourself from the bonds of beliefs ,   in other words you are in the world but not of it.

You no longer think of your self as Bob the electrician , or Mary the nurse , or an American or a Californian , or the million other little  ways in which humans categorize themselves , each one creates a layer,  wrapping source consciousness in an ever increasing tangle of  symbolic rope, until one day all you see is rope and you can barely move, a prisoner in your own self created matrix.

And these layers keep building up over time until we really have no idea ” WHAT “we are, however we ” think ” we know ” WHO ” we are , we are Bob the electrician , who lives in Colorado, in the city of Denver, who likes football, votes Democrat, drives a Ford, Likes to hunt , likes rock music , is ex military , currently divorced , has 2.3 children , is against abortion , yet is pro gay marriage ( OK, I’m just making this up ) but you get the idea ,   and on and on the layers build up .


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