Life is meaningless , reality is subjective , there is no empirical truth !  These are very controversial beliefs , or ideas that have been the basis for much debate as long as human beings have been debating !

So if you buy into the mainstream science theory that consciousness comes from the physical brain , and that the human body , or the human being is simply the evolution of pond scum and that when you die , that’s it , nothing , darkness, zero, nada… then yes I can see where one might develop a pessimistic , or nihilistic view of reality, what “would” be the point after all .

The old phrase ” You only Live Life Once ” is a good example of how society or the consensus reality programs us into believing that we are simply a physical animal , with a very limited , linear existence , that the only real way to have any impact over a long period of time is to propagate , so that your lineage can carry on your name , work , memories or essence.

You see it so often in movies and stories , the same theme over and over again , oh don’t worry , father has passed , but he will live on in our memories , blah ..blah , essentially what this type of belief is saying is that , after dad dies he’s history , he no longer exists , except in our memories, so in essence we keep him alive, we make him eternal , he has no existence outside of our memories of him, yes it s classic psyop , meant to dis empower .


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