The Universal Laws or Natural Laws of the universe are the holy grail of occult knowledge. When we talk about the occult , the word itself is often associated with with black magic or dark sorcerers , in fact most people infer a negative connotation when using the word occult.

That’s because most of society gets its education form television or the main stream media “programming” , and this is what they are told , so this is what they believe , however the actual meaning of  the word occult is simply “hidden” .

These hidden truths, or occult knowledge  are the framework of how consciousness works, it is how we create our individual and collective realities , so occult knowledge can be used in a positive way or a negative way , although  ” it ”  is neither positive or negative,   it is simply the way the universe works.

That being said , there are those who use this hidden knowledge to manipulate the sleeping masses , they utilize this knowledge to get us to ” unconsciously co create ”  the reality we see around us, what we call the consensus reality , society , religion, politics, the legal system , taxation  all of the ” Belief Systems” based on control on this planet,  were created for the purpose of indoctrination , to keep consciousness , controlled ,  entertained , confused, and in a state of fear and uncertainty.


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