Universe mirrors our state of being , our beliefs , our definitions … there is the individual mirror , this is our personal home life and what we experience “directly ” … and then there is the collective mirror , this is the world we see via , Internet , TV and other forms of media.

These screens , monitors and televisions ,   “tell us about” a world that exists , that we do not necessarily experience directly at  all ,  unless of course its in resonance with our core vibration …meaning… if we are so inclined to join the military or live in a war zone, all of which are choices at some level , unless of course you believe that your a victim ,if that’s the case none of this will make any sense to you , it will not resonate at all.

The vast majority of us never actually experience war “directly ” … and once you quit believing in it , quit giving it your support , your source energy …then over time you “will” shift … shift to a version of reality where , becasue there is no longer support for that construct it no longer exists…never has existed , from this perspective as an “Aware Observer ”  you can  consciously make the choice that says no I do not prefer war to be a part of my reality  … I no longer hold any belief systems that validate these types of fear based paradigms , this this is how you change the world or more accurately … how you change “your” world !

The business of war is booming these days. Conflicts around the globe are generating record sales of munitions , tanks , bombs , airplanes, warships, military and security personnel,   so we can “blow everything up”  and kill each other !   Wow , how intelligent is that .

Then these same companies that benefit from the war , double their profits by re building and putting it all back together again so they can blow it all up again later, down the road, never ending madness.

Mean while the human population  caught in the cross fire of the Military industrial complex are basically SOL. This is life on planet earth circa 2012.

Then comes H.CON.RES.107 . Is  H.CON.RES.107  a beacon of light in the darkness ,  the madness that seems to have taken over the once great constitutional republic, this grand experiment we call America.

It boggles the mind when we try to understand where this all comes form. What is the point?  Well they say it is always darkest before the dawn.

What looks to be our greatest nightmare , just may be the catalyst for our greatest awakening.  This I believe is “The Point”.

I have know idea what  will come from   H.CON.RES.107  or whether its a pivotal turning point. But at least someone is making the point.

Many of  us are not  political in the least bit, to me watching politics is no different than watching day time soaps. In fact the  two or almost identical .

Comparison between Politics and Day Time Soap Operas are as follows : Lots of bad acting and  pointless posturing , the same plot over and over again , nothing “ever” gets resolved , everyone is always fighting and back stabbing and same characters get replaced by different actors, and it just goes on and on . This is present day American Politics.

Below is an interesting video , about this whole subject of pointless war for profit .  However I would argue that presidents are simply puppets for the real decision makers , the ones we never see on TV , impeach one, they will just put another actor up there.

Presidents are not the problem , they are simply tools , pun intended , used by the real forces at work. Which are , well that’s the point of the awakening, that’s what we are trying to figure out , what is the real mechanism behind all this madness.

And while I appreciate Alex Jones and the Info Wars gang for putting this information out there , I still see all of it as another form of propaganda , just a different type.

As usual its up to the individual to interpret , and  decide for yourself what version of reality you want to exists in. Getting caught up in these Soap Operas is not going to set you free.

What will set you free ?  For many of us it is the realization that we are infinite in nature, and this little drama we are playing out here on planet earth is the Big Soap Opera of the cosmos.

So don’t take it too seriously , have some fun with it , be in the moment and feel the power of that !


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