Well here it is November 2011 and the quickening is upon us in full force. The novelty as Terrence Mckenna was so fond of calling it is increasing exponentially.

Yes even Alex Jones has moved to a new level. In a recent interview on the Alex Jones show David Icke goes into great detail about the role the reptilians or Annunaki have played in the manipulation of the human race.

Some of you out there may know that years ago when Alex Jones originally interviewed David Icke he basically laughed at David and called him crazy becasue of his ideas about the reptilians.

Then back in 2008 when things started to heat up again Alex was little more open minded. In this recent interview Alex is finally starting to openly acknowledge that David may be on to something, as Alex puts it.

Its quite a good interview as Alex Lets David speak uninterrupted for the most part. And David is even more articulate than usual in describing the relationship between the Illuminati blood lines and their genetic connection to the reptilian or Chitauri.

The main theme of the interview centers around this bloodlines complete lack of empathy for other fellow beings. David says the code for empathy has been deleted from their DNA by design of course.

Which makes sense if you want to rule without concern for human life, you don’t want your minions to have any feelings what so ever for their subjects.

We have come a long way in the last 3 years , when self proclaimed christian Alex Jones starts confirming the possibility of  Annunaki , reptilians or the Nephilim as they are referred to in the bible.

The light of the Apocalypse is shining brightly , lighting up every corner of the room , there is no where for these creatures to hide from infinite consciousness.

As David said once you start seeing things from this greater perspective there systems or constructs have no control over you. They can only deceive the body mind, they cannot deceive consciousness itself.

It seems more people are bridging the chasm as David puts it between what we think the world is like and what is actually going on.

It is quite a lot to process that’s for sure ,this re-awakening , we have all been asleep for a long time ,but once you get the hang of  seeing  things from a greater perspective  it all starts to make sense and the fear fades away.

So check out some Classic Icke & Jones , you wont be disappointed.

During the awakening process, somewhere along the line you will be faced with the term Anunnaki.  Just a couple of years ago I would have asked what in hell is the Anunnaki, now  I have some ideas as to what this is all about. The bible refers to them as the Nephilim, the African Zulu call them the Chitauri.

The “Story” goes like this ….and this is a really simplified overview , but I will have links in here that will link to the supposed authorities on the subject so you can listen and make your own conclusions and gauge its resonance.

The Anunnaki are supposedly a reptilian master race that came to earth in search of gold , presumably so they could grind it into dust and spread it around their planet in the atmosphere to refract sunlight . Evidently their planet was becoming uninhabitable and this was their solution to the problem of too much sunshine. I know this sounds kinda far fetched but it gets better…I think .

Once the Anunnaki arrived on earth  they needed slaves to mine the gold and  this is where we  humans came into the picture. Now either the Anunnaki modified human DNA to dumb us down so that we would loose our connection to source, and be willing servants, or perhaps they even had a role in our creation. This remains an open question along with many others…

The general consensus among most researchers and those that are awakening is that there is definitely something going on when it comes to the concept of an Ancient Non-Human based presence on this planet.  Most believe that this presence is at the root of most of the negative social engineering that has been going on for thousands of years , and perhaps is the root of evil itself.

Much work has been done on this subject by researchers  Zecharia Sitchin and more recently David Icke that point to the Anunnaki as ultimately behind the social engineering on this planet. They are the controllers behind the curtain, behind the Royal blood lines behind the politicians and power elite , they are the real rulers on this planet in this scenario.

At first its a rather overwhelming concept, if looked at from the human perspective, if looked at from the perspective of infinite consciousness it actually starts to make a lot of sense on so many different levels. So if you can get away from the idea of whether it s a good thing or a bad thing , you can really have fun with it.


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