We talk a lot about consciousness these days , and we “attempt”  to define it in various ways, so I thought it might be useful to talk about ideas on what unconsciousness  is to perhaps shed more ” light ” on the over all subject.

Lets say unconsciousness is when you are totally identified with the conditioning of the mind,  when you are so immersed in your role , your narrative, that you actually believe “what ”  you are is your story , this is what also could be termed as the “Human Condition” .

We are not saying the Human Condition is a negative thing , it is simply a type of expression consciousness has chosen for a type of limited linear experience, so in that sense it can be  a very positive thing, all though normally the term is used with a negative connotation.

However like all “things” balance is the key , you don’t want to be so identified with ego, so unconsciousness that you are unable to tap into your higher self, thus creating suffering that you do not necessarily want, although if you do like suffering as many do then that’s OK t0o … of course.

A large percentage of the population is effectively unconscious using this definition , in other words , most people do not see themselves outside of their personality construct , most humans are completely identified , completely focused on the Egoic Mind, the conditioned mind or as I like to call it , the Monkey Mind.

It seems almost everything in today’s society is geared towards polarizing. The social construct from top to bottom seems to be an endless maze of polarizing input.

At a very young age the human being begins the polarization process , we are taught what is good and what is bad, what is right what is wrong.

From there we go to he is black I am white, she is female I am male, he is rich I am poor, I am ugly he is handsome and the list goes on  into infinity.

Until we wake up one day and our brains are literally split down the middle and everything we think and everything we do is completely polarized.

From the wars we wage to the hatred of different races, to the likes and dislikes, everything gets filtered through a process of polarization, nothing is left behind. We are completely polarized beings existing in a completely polarized dualistic paradigm.

Even our physical brains are split down the middle, a right and a left side , a creative and a logical side.

How did we get this way, how did we as a species of consciousness, human beings get polarized, this is the question that many have asked.

If you look at all the symbolism that we are bombarded with on a daily basis you can start to see that there is one, and only one intention,  to polarize, to separate.

Jealousy, greed, hatred, are all polarizing emotions , products of a fear based paradigm , that create separation between us, and these impulses and emotions are finding much fertile ground lately.

While love based behavior such as humility, empathy, forgiveness are all unifying and are the attributes of our collective consciousness that we need to be nurturing to rise above polarity consciousness.

So in the name of being the change here is where you can make your greatest contribution to society, and that is by being love, being humility, being acceptance,being  understanding, being forgiveness.

This is how you can help to shift the collective towards unity consciousness. It starts within each of us, there really is no out there, everything starts from within and manifests itself outwardly into physicality.

The effect this will have in our world will be so beneficial to all and is the only way we are going to really make any discernible change in our collective human experience. Almost everything else is simply playing into the hands of the polarized social construct.

Many people will argue that to affect change we need to get involved in politics, and to become activists, to get out in the streets and riot and protest.

But by doing so you are simply falling in to the trap that is set to take you further in to a polarized state of being without any actual positive change occurring.

So when you think of the term unification think beyond simply a unification of science, or unification of the geopolitical / societal , think of literally a unification of consciousness. Unification is outside of Belief Systems.

In other words understand that we all need to learn how to exist out side of polarity consciousness.

This means you will have two work on yourself and not worry about what everyone else is doing or not doing. The unified field is truly our natural state of being, and polarity consciousness to some extent could be called a corrupted version of reality but in reality it is simply a type of experience.

One of the best ways to try and understand and to try and learn how to live from unity consciousness is to learn how to live in the moment. When you learn more and more how to live in the moment you will find yourself becoming less polarized.

When you live in the moment you’re not asking what will I do tomorrow, or did I make a mistake yesterday you will truly be living in a place that is beyond right or wrong, beyond past and future for these are all illusions of the polarized state of reality.

You will find it does take some practice  learning how to let go of the chatter of the monkey mind and allow higher self to simply be present , in the unified field, of unity consciousness.

Remember you are not just your name, you are not just your job, you are not just your past experiences, you’re not just your physical body, you are all of things and “everything” else, unity knows no exclusion.

As you learn or more correctly as you remember how to exist as a unified state of experience , once you grasp this concept you will begin to find greater and greater periods of joy and happiness and peace in just simply “Being”.


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