Matt Presti , artist , musician , philosopher, and a student of Walter Russell, has recently been added to the growing list of individuals I admire and respect.

Matt has created a video series on Russellian Science that really helped me to get a better understanding of the concepts depicted in Walter Russell’s books and writings.

There are always new revelations around the corner for those of us that are not afraid of being wrong, there is no end to the journey , no conclusion , no final summation.

And for those of us that are passionate about understanding the nature of nature ,we frequently jettison beliefs that no longer serve us , that create limitation, and that’s a good thing, we go where the data takes us.

When I discovered the works of Walter Russell earlier this year, I eventually came across Matt Presti and Robert Otey’s video series on the subject.

Matt’s work has helped me by taking Walter Russell’s work , also know as Russellian Science and putting it into bite size pieces that are more easily digested , and for this , I thank him dearly.


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