
Seventh Written Transmission Download
April 1, 2014 2:00pm
Via Elizabeth Chaykowski

The channel began in meditation, during which time she was directed to begin with the album 10,000 Days by Tool.

Transmission began with the first track of this album, after which she was instructed to play the album Lateralus by the same band, Tool.

The entire transmission flowed for the duration of this album to its completion. Only the closing comments were written in silence.

Prepare, for the day of our coming is near. Rejoice, for some, we are already here.

For as we have said, all is now and those who have learned the method of jumping consciously from parallel reality to parallel reality, have already made contact with us on many levels: not just ethereal, but corporeal.


Sixth Written Transmission Download
March 2, 2014
Via Elizabeth Chaykowski

When you truly understand that you are consciousness and consciousness is energy: When you truly understand that even your bodies are consciousness and energy:

Then you will no longer need to ingest a material substance and convert it to energy to sustain yourselves. Even this need is an illusion of the material world.

If you were to become completely conscious and aware, right now, that you are energy and that all is just energy and that you are surrounded by and part of one energy, you would immediately then sustain yourselves by drawing on this energy that you all are and share as the One.


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