We have all heard the term “Free Energy” over the last 20- 30 years and yet , here we are still paying for energy.  What does free energy even mean.

Any device that could potentially generate this so called Free Energy , would not  be free.

The companies doing the research and building the prototypes and bringing them to market , must show a profit at some point , they are all ruled by profit.

Don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with fair exchange and profiting from your hard work , we just need to come up with another name for it . Perhaps , “Alternative Energy” is the more accurate term we hear these days.

It would be a major paradigm shift to have a zero point energy device on the market , most of us would jump at the opportunity to buy one , becasue it would free us is so many ways.

Having experienced life during power outages like many of us have , especially this year , it is crystal clear how vulnerable our power grid is to all sorts of natural and man made events.


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