Forget Beliefs… what is your “Actual Experience” ?

Physical mind is always judging,defining and making up rules about one thing or another. And for most people it’s usually in a negative, limiting way.

If you can learn to turn that switch off, and simply allow things to unfold, you will see that your “Actual Experience” is usually quite different from what physical mind is imagining on a moment by moment basis.

It really just about getting out of your own way.

Our modern society and we as individuals are so full of muddled beliefs and definitions that it’s challenging and confusing to know what is true.

However once you understand that your “Actual Experience” is being created in real time by your beliefs and definitions you can start making adjustments. You can find out what beliefs and definitions are muddled, and more clearly define them in a way they can serve you.

That way you can get the experience out of life that you prefer !

This is what conscious co creation is all about. Of course first you have to take full responsibility, and understand that you are creating your reality.

And that’s where the real challenge begins, most humans do not want that responsibility. But as the saying goes, you get out of life what you put into it !

The most powerful state of awareness you can be in is the “Present Moment ”

Of course in reality that is all there is, however the mind has created the illusion of linear time so that we can have a certain type of experience.

A “ Story ” with a beginning and an end. It is the only way that we as infinite beings can experience being finite. And it gives our physical lives more meaning, more expedience more motivation to go through the process we call living.

The concept of time is not a negative thing , it’s simply one of the rules we have agreed to as a collective consciousness. One of the Root Assumptions, like gravity.

Always remember though that physical reality, time , the past, the future are all within our consciousness.

Consciousness is not subject to time , and since we are consciousness, ultimately we are not subject to time.

This is not a belief it is our actual experience. We all know when we are doing something we love , time flies by.

Why ? Because when we are following and living in our excitement , we are no longer creating time !

Conversely when we are not excited about what we are doing , we become bored, anxious, nervous, and unhappy, time seems to drag on… this is the byproduct of creating time.

Of course there are situations that are not pleasant, we all go through adversity, things that are out of our control so to speak.

These are perfect opportunities to practice “Present Moment Awareness” . Because the solution to any problem will only be found in the present moment.

However when you are more able to follow your excitement in this physical life, moment by moment, with no expectation , the effect of time fades. And you truly start experiencing your reality as one big present moment.

Yes you will still use time in a practical way to navigate physical reality, however you will no longer be bound by it, a prisoner of it.

Practicing “Present Moment Awareness “ will empower you and free you from the regrets of the past and worrying about the future.

It will also benefit your experience with others as you become more present with them they will reciprocate, creating more meaningful and joyful relationships.



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